Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RTP opens second engineering compounding plant in Europe

Engineered thermoplastics compounder RTP Co. has opened a new manufacturing plant in Ladenburg, Germany, the company’s second in Europe. 

Operating as RTP Deutschland GmbH, the 61,500-square-foot operation will make products including very long fiber composites and conductive compounds.  “In addition to expanding manufacturing capacity, the Ladenburg plant also houses on-site product development engineers as well as a quality assurance laboratory,” said John Van Wijk, the company’s European director of sales, in a news release. 

RTP now has 11 manufacturing sites. Other locations include Beaune, France; Suzhou, China; Singapore; Monterrey, Mexico, and six plants in the United States.  RTP bought the Beaune plant from French thermoplastics compounder Codiplast SNC in 1995. Since then, RTP has significantly expanded its global footprint. The company said a second plant in Europe was necessary because of growth in its market for engineered materials. 
Source : Plastics News

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