Sunday, October 17, 2010

Biopolymers & Biology bring function in PLA

Bioplastics are the plastics industry's response to the demand for environmentally responsible alternatives to oil-based products. Sukano introduces the K 2010 bio-based additive solutions to improve the performance and functionality of bioplastics.

SUKANO ® Biology polymer alloys for injection molding applications
The new polymer-Alloys (English alloy) will give the successful bio-plastics for their use in injection molding applications required application properties.

Biology The product line consists of finished with Sukano technology PLA-based bioplastics. Here, the PLA is the addition of specific additives modified so that it analogous in many application areas an oil-based plastic can be processed and used. The Biology Alloys increase impact strength and stiffness and the thermal heat resistance of PLA for injection molding applications and allow for optimal processing, the provider. Geared to the needs of manufacturers and users they are made in compounding.

Sukano Biokonzentrate for film extrusion
This Biokonzentrate were developed to the functional characteristics of bioplastics in the film extrusion to improve. This PLA is now analogous to all other oil-based plastics can be produced and processed.

Sukano Biokonzentrate are highly concentrated masterbatches based on bio-polymer carriers. The user will then mixed with a small proportion of its biopolymer, to obtain the desired properties in the final product. The bio-based SUKANO Gleit-/Antiblock ® masterbatches promise to reduce the friction and thus the processability and to facilitate unstacking of the products. The controlled nucleation by masterbatches crystallization is to increase the thermal resistance of the finished film. With the bio-based SUKANO ® UV Masterbatches of UV-content protection will ensure the finished film. The patented transparent SUKANO ® impact modifier increases already substantially in a low dose, the impact strength of the molded part.

Besides functional masterbatches offers Sukano optical masterbatches to improve the visual appearance of the finished product. These include pigments and soluble dyes, as well as white and black concentrates for transparent and opaque applications.

All Sukano Biokonzentrate and SUKANO ® Biology are on the provider information industrially compostable and fully equipped with a bio-based carbon content up to 100%.

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