Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Recycling Specialist With A New Web Site

Prospects and business partners of pekutherm Plastics GmbH visit the new website of the company that considers itself one of Europe's most efficient recyclers for clear thermoplastics, even faster. The services and products presented there now clearly structured into four areas:

• The category , Recycling  indicates the purchase of industrial waste plastics PMMA and PC, to high-quality pellets and processed Recompounds pekutherm.

• In , CD / DVD recycling  learn from interested companies, municipalities, government agencies and associations, as is used in a party disk can transform valuable raw material for all.

• In the category , toll processing  pekutherm presents itself as a professional partner for the plastics processing industry when it crystal-clear as well as engineering plastics such as PMMA, PC, SAN, ABS or PA is about.

products are of high quality recycled pekutherm, efficient cylinder cleaning granules and the powerful oil Binder FLUISORB ®.

In all areas of the site provides opportunities for fast contact. Forms can be prepared on Request Pick-up or place orders directly. Who wants to be a newsletter informed on the activities of pekutherm, found under "Contact" the direct link for free subscription.

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