Saturday, July 24, 2010

Plastic World – Germany Business Tour for Plastic Industry India - online business-to-business (B2B Plastic Market place) portal of plastic and allied industry has been announced business tour for K 2010 - international trade fair for Plastic and Rubber Industry. This business tour package of international trade fair will take one step ahead to expansion of global base plastic business. This international trade fair will be held on 27th October -3rd November 2010 at Dusseldorf Germany.

Business Tour Package

Recently launched B2B plastic portal, has announced business tour for international trade fair. Within short time of launching this plastic portal (B2B) becomes the professional business platform for all who are involved in to import-export trade, Indian exporters, manufacturers and suppliers of plastics and allied industry.

This international trade fair will be held at Dusseldorf, Germany on 27th October -3rd November 2010. This business tour has been designed for Plastic World delegates.

Benefits of business tour are following:

- Communication platform between international partners and top-notch innovations

- Participation of global market leader to young spin-off

- Great platform for manufacturer or a service provider to show products and innovations

- Provides profitable relationships with good contacts

- Covers the full spectrum of products and innovations from basic standard to high-tech solutions

Exporter or importer involved in raw materials, auxiliaries, semi-finished products, technical parts and reinforced plastics, machinery and equipment for the plastics and rubber can get the global opportunities for their business expansion.At this fair, will do the free distribution of plastic world b2b magazine - b2b classified which will enhance the plastic business on global base.

Business Tour With Plastic World

So, one who is engaged in plastic business want to expand their business then give the advertisement in plastic-world’s magazine –b2b classified; however, delegates of Plastic World who will participate in this business tour will get 25% off on advertisement in plastic-world’s magazine. Along with this advertisement benefit delegates of Plastic World also get the 50% off in plastic world yearly membership.

Apart from above listed benefits this business tour package also includes more advantages like airport- hotel-airport transfers, arrival brunch on the day of arrival to hotel, daily breakfast with one Indian dish, daily fairground transfer during k-2010 and many more.

For more information regarding the service and details about the then please visit Us At :- International Trade Fair | Business Exhibition | Trade Event

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